Hej Familj!!!
Check this out...
They've got the beginning, but how about we add our own ending sometime soon?? How about Thursday? :)
I love you!
Trogen och Stadig, Är Jag Redo!!!!!
Faithful and Steady, I AM Ready!!!!!
I don't know if you ever check your messages on this blog... but I figured I might as well say hi :) My name is Kirsa, and yesterday I was called to serve in Sweden! Last night while I was googling anything and everything to do with Sweden, I stumbled across your blog. Fast forward 24 hours, and I have read every post. It was SO cool to watch you change and grow as a missionary, as well as to read different Sweden-sepcific experiences. If you have any advice for preparing or being out on the mission, I would love to hear it!