Me and our beautiful car!! Do you like my new suit????!?!! :) ;)
Just another one of me and the car!
This is one of the bridges we "flew" over... :)
Another, much larger bridge... haha This one offers an incredible view.. I will show ya'll sometime!
Hej Familj!!!
Well this week has been awesome! We had lots of things going on! We traveled down to Sundsvall (a two hour drive) for our district meeting. That went wonderfully and we had a great time! We traveled back the same day and got to work. Then, on Saturday we traveled again down to Sundsvall and attended the Baptism they were having for Sadik and Fatau. It was amazing, and their testimonies were... (not to cite any recent happenings..) da bomb!!! :) They were sooo happy to be baptised! Now, all of this traveling around has made for many hours in the car driving through thick forested landscapes and flying over amazing lakes and rivers (over a bridge.. lol). One would think that a travel through the thick of Norrland could not get any better... That person would be wrong. Because you see, a loving family of mine sent me a box. Not just any ordinary box, but a box with a CD in it! And not just any CD... The new EFY CD!!!! hahahahaha Äldste Lopp and I listened to that CD every second of our travels.. It has not left the CD player in the car! We have listened to it at LEAST THIRTY TIMES!! haha It is awesome! Thank you soooo much for that gift especially! Okay, now I was told that I needed to send some pictures in my e-mails... I will be sure to do that! I don't have many good ones yet, but they will for sure be coming soon! Lets see... what else has happened this week... Oh! We taught a man in Persian... lol No, I was not speaking Persian to him, but his Swedish was not that great and his English was, well, it just wasn't working all that well. He pulled out his laptop and plugged it into his large flat screen TV and got Google Translate up and running! I would type the questions and comments and he would respond back to us. It was amazing! Technology truly can be used for good in this day and age! What a blessing!! Through the TV screen and a great deal of patience we were able to understand that this man truly was interested in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon. We wont let something like language get in the way of helping this man learn more and feel the Spirit. I am not sure how to fully say how it felt, but this man's desire to know was present in the room. We all could feel the Spirit.. even if Google Translate had to help out a bit here and there.. :) Truly amazing! Another thing this teach taught me was that the Gospel does not need to be taught with big words or fluffy filler comments. Short, simple statements of truth (when spoken with the Spirit) have an amazing way of capturing people's attention and turning their hearts in the right direction. Anyone and everyone can share the Gospel. I have a huge testimony about that... :) Before I forget... Äldste Lopp was wondering what online company you used to make Kevin's Cardboard Cut-out thing. His parents are wanting to do something like that and want to know what you used. So, hopefully you still remember the place! Thanks! Speaking of thanks, thank you very much again for the box! The shirt from Kevin's Marathon was sooo awesome! haha But just one problem, everyone is going to think my name is Kevin! lol :) Thank Landon for the slobber on the magnet and tell him he is lookin' fine!! It is Zone Conference this week and we also have a Zone Activity on Wednesday in Umeå! Fun! More driving with EFY!!!! haha :) Okay, well I have no time!! At all!! haha I am going to attach some pictures and get this thing sent off before it closes and you all get no e-mail! I love you all very, very much! Sorry I had to keep it short today... I will make up for it somehow! Have a G R E A T WEEK!!!
Trogen och Stadig, Är Jag Redo!!!!!
Faithful and Steady, I AM Ready!!!!!
Äldste Kundis :) :) :)